Tuesday 19 November 2013

DSP lab variations


1.        Write a MATLAB program so that output signal is sampled with a rate a) greater than twice the max frequency content in the input signal and b) for equal to maximum frequency content in the input signal. Given input signal is a cos function and the spacing between the samples is 50µs and total time duration is 0.05 seconds.
2.       Write a MATlAB program to find the system function of the causal LTI system with input x(z)= 1+2z-1+2z-2+z-3 and output y(z)= 1+z-1+2z-2+z-3 so plot input, output and impulse response.
3.       Write a MATLAB program to find convolution of unit imulse function with X(z)= 1+3z-1+4z-2 and convoluted output length is equal to sum of two input lengths-1.
4.       Write a MATLAB program to find the output of given system whose frequency response is Y(z)= X(z).H(z) and given x(n)= (1,2,3,4), h(n)= (1,2,3,4) and output length is equal to maximum length of x(n) and h(n).
5.        Write a MATLAB program to find convolution of two given sequences in time domain X1(z)= 1+2z-1+3z-2 & X2(z)= 2+z-1+4z-2 and convoluted output length is equal to sum of two input lengths minus one.
6.       Write a MATLAB program to find the similarities between the given sequence x(n)= Sin(2*pi*n/N) for N=4 and the time shifted version of same sequences in terms of convolution and write and verify a) Energy property b) periodicity property and draw the graph for the same.
7.        Write a program using MATLAB code for the received signal replected from the target is the delayed uerreon of the transmitted signal. Assume delay in two time units. Assume transmitted signal is {3, -1, 2, 1}.
8.       Write a MATLAB program to find the similarities between the two given sequence X1 (n)= [1 3 -2 1 2 -1 4 4 2] and X2(n)= [2 -1 4 1 -2 3] is its time shifted version which is shifted by two units, in terms of convolution and prove i) ϒxy[l]= ϒxy[-l] and 2) cross correlation of two sequences x(n) and y(n)= x(n-k) is having peak at the value of k.
9.       Write a MATLAB program to find the steady state response for the given difference equation y(n)-0.8y(n-1)=x(n) and x(n)= cos(0.05*pi*n); n=0 to N-1 where N=20 and plot the respective graph.
10.     Write a MATLAB program to find the first 8 samples of the complete response y(n) for the difference equation y[n]= 1/3 {x[n]+x[n-1]+x[n-2]}+0.95y[n-1]-0.9025y[n-2]; n>=0 where x(n)=cos(n*pi/3)u(n) and initial conditions are y[-1]=-2, y[-2]=-3, x[-1]=1, x[-2]=1.
11.      Write a MATLAB program to find the impulse response of a given difference equation y(n)+0.8y(n-2)+0.6y(n-3)=x(n)+0.7x(n-1)+0.5x(n-2). Plot the graph for N=20.
12.     Find steady state response using MATLAB for the difference equation y(n)-0.8y(n-1)= x(n) and x(n)= Cos(wn); n=0 to N-1 where N=20.
13.     Write a MATLAB program to find the multiplication of two frequencies domain aperiodic signals in the domain x1=[1 1 1 1] and x2=[1 2 3 4].
14.     Write a MATLAB program to find the multiplication of the two frequency domain periodic signals in time domain x1=[1 1 1 1] and x2=[1 2 3 4].
15.     Design an FIR filter for the given order of filter is 33 and cut-off frequency is 150Hz and sampling frequency is 1KHz and having stop band attenuation 21dB. Implement the same filter with assumed sinusoidal input.
16.     Write a MATLAB program to design an FIR filter is 2 and cut-off frequency is 150 and sampling frequency is 1KHz and having minimum stop band attenuation 44dB, Write a MATLAB program to implement the same filter with assumed sine input.
17.     Design an IIR filter for the pass band edge frequency w1=800 and stop band edge frequency w2=1200. sampling frequency ws=3600, passband ripple 1dB and stopband attenuation 40dB by using butterworth filter and maps it with bilinear transform. Find and plot the magnitude and frequency response. Implement with 3 various sinusoidal input signals of your own specification.


18.     Linear convolution of a given sequence.
19.     Circular convolution of two sequences.
20.    Computation of N-point DFT for given value of N.
21.     Impulse response of given first order or second order filter.