Sunday 29 September 2013

Smith chart

Smith chart

Smith chart is a graphical aid for solving transmission line problems very easily which would be tedious to solve by using analytical methods.

1.        Smith chart consist of resistance and reactance circles.

  where Zl=Rl+jXl
hence in smith chart. This process is called “normalization”.
and the ratio (Zl\Zo) is called “per unit load impedence” or “normalized impedence”.

2.       Plotting of impedence: Any complex impedence can be shown by a single point on the
               Smith chart . this point is intersection of “r=Rl\Zo” and “x=jXl\Zo”.

EXAMPLE : Let Zl = 120+j160 Ω  and Z0=400 Ω
       Normalising we get,
zl=0.3+j0.4Ω  shown on Smith chart.

                                                                  BLACK MAGIC DESIGN

3.       VSWR Determination:
With “O” as centre and OA as radius a  circle is drawn  which cuts right side of the horizontal axis at “r” value of 3.9 (shown as point B)
This gives value of VSWR = ρ = 3.9

4.       Determination of Γ in magnitude and direction:
The line oa in figure is produced to meet the outer circle at point C
The angle at point C= Ɵ=133.2° is the phase angle of reflection coefficient.
To find magnitude of  Γ , the linear scale at bottom of chart is refered  which is marked
“voltage reflection coefficient”. With O as centre and radius exactly wqual to “OA”,
An arc is cut on left side.
The value of | Γ | is read as 0.6
Therefore Γ=0.6∟133.2°

5.       Location of  Vmax  and  Vmin  : The constant ρ circle intersects the central horizontal axis at
Points D and B.
Vmax = Rmax\Zo  =rmax = 3.91
Vmin = Rmin\Zo  = rmin = 0.26

6.       Open and short circuit line:
At point F on the horizontal axis r= , x= this represents open circuit termination of line.
At point E in the horizontal axis r=0 , x=0  this represents short circuit termination of line.

7.        Movement along periphery :
Movement in clockwise direction from point E results in no of wavelengths towards generator
Movement in anti-clockwise direction from point E results in no of wavelengths towards load.
One full rotation on pheriphery corresponds to λ\2.

8.       Conversion of impedence to admittance:
To find admittance of an impedence at point a, the point a is rotated through constant S-circle
By an amount λ\4  which is equivalent to 180°.
The point yl is diametrically opposite to “A” or (zl) has a value,
yl = 1.2-j1.6.

Monday 23 September 2013

DSP Viva questions


1.       What is sampling theorem?
2.      What do you mean by process of reconstruction.
3.      What are techniques of reconstructions.
4.      What do you mean Aliasing? What is the condition to avoid aliasing for sampling?
5.       Write the conditions of sampling.
6.      How many types of sampling there?
7.      Explain the statement-
t= 0:0.000005:0.05
8.      In the above example what does colon (:) and semicolon (;) denotes.
9.      What is  a) Undersampling     b) nyquist plot             c) Oversampling.
10.   Write the MATLAB program for Oversampling.
11.   What is the use of command ‘legend’?
12.   Write the difference between built in function, plot and stem describe the function.
13.   What is the function of built in function and subplot?
14.   What is linear convolution?
15.   Explain how convolution syntax built in function works.
16.   How to calculate the beginning and end of the sequence for the two sided controlled output?
17.   What is the total output length of linear convolution sum.
18.   What is an LTI system?
19.   Describe impulse response of a function.
20.  What is the difference between convolution and filter?
21.   Where to use command filter or impz, and what is the difference between these two?
22.  What is the use o function command ‘deconv’?
23.  What is the difference between linear and circular convolution?
24.  What do you mean by statement subplot (3,3,1).
25.   What do you mean by command “mod” and where it is used?
26.  What do you mean by Autocorrelation and Crosscorrelation sequences?
27.  What is the difference between Autocorrelatio and Crsscorrelation.
28.  List all the properties of autocorrelation and Crosscorrelaion sequence.
29.  Where we use the inbuilt function ‘xcorr’ and what is the purpose of using this function?
30.  How to calculate output of DFT using MATLAB?
31.   What do you mean by filtic command, explain.
32.  How to calculate output length of the linear and circular convolution.
33.  What do you mean by built in function ‘fliplr’ and where we need to use this.
34.  What is steady state response?
35.   Which built in function is used to solve a given difference equation?
36.  Explain the concept of difference equation.
37.  Where DFT is used?
38.  What is the difference between DFT and IDFT?
39.  What do you mean by built in function ‘abs’ and where it is used?
40.  What do you mean by phase spectrum and magnitude spectrum/ give comparison.
41.   How to compute maximum length N for a circular convolution using DFT and IDFT.(what is command).
42.  Explain the statement-                        y=x1.*x2
43.  What is FIR and IIR filter define, and distinguish between these two.
44.  What is filter?
45.   What is window method? How you will design an FIR filter using window method.
46.  What are low-pass and band-pass filter and what is the difference between these two?
47.  Explain the command – N=ceil(6.6*pi/tb)
48.  Write down commonly used window function characteristics.
49.  What is the matlab command for Hamming window? Explain.
50.   What do you mea by cut-off frequency?
51.   What do you mean by command butter, cheby1?
52.   Explain the command in detail- [N,wc]=buttord(2*fp/fs,2*fstp/fs,rp,As)
53.   What is CCS? Explain in detail to execute a program using CCS.
54.   Why do we need of CCS?
55.   How to execute a program using ‘dsk’ and ‘simulator’?
56.   Which IC is used in CCS? Explain the dsk, dsp kit.
57.   What do you mean by noise?
58.   Explain the program for linear convolution for your given sequence.
59.   Why we are using command ‘float’ in CCS programs.
60.  Where we use ‘float’ and where we use ‘int’?
61.   Explain the command- i=(n-k)%N
62.  Explain the entire CCS program in step by step of execution.

Saturday 21 September 2013

precision full wave rectifier


AIM: Design and test the working of Full Wave Precision Rectifier using op-amp

THEORY: Precision Rectifier name itself suggests that it rectifies even lower input voltages i.e. voltages less than 0.7v (diode drop). A rectifier is a device, which converts AC voltage to DC voltage. Precision rectifier converts AC to pulsating DC. Normal rectifiers using transformers cannot rectify voltages below 0.7v, so we go for precision rectifiers. In this circuit the diodes are placed in such a way that one diode is forward biased in the positive half cycle and the other in the negative half cycle. Consider the circuit diagram shown below. Here in the positive half cycle D1 is forward biased and D2 is reverse biased. The simplified circuit will act as two inverted amplifiers connected in series. Hence the total gain will be the product of individual gains. During the negative half cycle, D1 is reverse biased and D2 is forward biased. Hence the simplified circuit is an inverting amplifier connected in series with a non-inverting amplifiers. Hence the output will be inverted and a DC output (unidirectional) is obtained .The precision rectifier we are using is a full wave rectifier.

1. Rig up the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Give an input of 2V peak to peak (sine wave).
3. Check and verify the designed values.
4. Design the same circuit for a different set of values.



Schmitt trigger


 AIM: Design a square wave generator for a given UTP and LTP

THEORY: Schmitt Trigger is also known as Regenerative Comparator. This is a square wave generator which generate a square based on the positive feedback applied. As shown in the fig. below, the feedback voltage is Va. The input voltage is applied to the inverting terminal and the feedback voltage is applied to the non-inverting terminal. In this circuit the op-amp acts as a comparator. It compares the potentials at two input terminals. Here the output shifts between + Vsat and –Vsat. When the input voltage is greater than Va, the output shifts to – Vsat and when the input voltage is less than Va, the output shifts to + Vsat. Such a comparator circuit exhibits a curve known as Hysterisis curve which is a plot of Vin vs V0. The input voltage at which the output changes from + Vsat to – Vsat is called Upper Threshold Point (UTP) and the input voltage at which the output shifts from – Vsat to + Vsat is called Lower Threshold Point (LTP). The feedback voltage Va depends on the output voltage as well as the reference voltage. A Zero Cross Detector is also a comparator where op-amp compares the input

1. Rig up the connections as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Give a sinusoidal input of 10V peak to peak and 1 kHz from a signal generator.
3. Check the output at pin no. 6 (square wave).
4. Coincide the point where the output shifts from + Vsat to – Vsat with any point on the input wave.
5. Measure the input voltage at this point. This voltage is UTP.
6. Coincide the point where the output shifts from – Vsat to + Vsat with any point on the input wave.
7. Measure the input voltage at this point. This voltage is LTP.
8. Another method of measuring UTP and LTP is using the Hysterisis Curve.
9. To plot the hysterisis curve give channel 1 of CRO to the output and channel 2 of CRO to the input.
10. Press the XY knob. Adjust the grounds of both the knobs.
11. Measure UTP and LTP as shown in the fig. and check whether it matches with the designed value.


High pass filter


AIM: To obtain the frequency response of an active high pass filter for the desired cut off frequency

1. Before wiring the circuit, check all the components.
2. Design the filter for a gain of 1.586  and make the connections as shown in the circuit diagram.
3. Set the signal generator amplitude to 2v  peak to peak and observe the input voltage and output voltage on the CRO
4. By varying the frequency of input from Hz range to KHz range, note the frequency and the corresponding output voltage across pin 6 of the op amp with respect to the gnd.
5. The output voltage (VO) remains constant at lower frequency range.
6. Tabulate the readings in the tabular column.
7. Plot the graph with ‘f ‘on X-axis and gain in dB on Y axis.


Low pass filter


AIM: To obtain the frequency response of an active low pass filter for the desired cut off frequency.

1. Before wiring the circuit, check all the components.
2. Design the filter for a gain of 1.586 and make the connections as shown in the circuit diagram.
3. Set the signal generator amplitude to 2v  peak to peak and observe the input voltage and output voltage on the CRO
4. By varying the frequency of input from Hz range to KHz range, note the frequency and the corresponding output voltage across pin 6 of the op amp with respect to the gnd.
5. The output voltage (VO) remains constant at lower frequency range.
6. Tabulate the readings in the tabular column.
7. Plot the graph with ‘f ‘on X-axis and gain in dB on Y axis.


Precision half wave rectifier

AIM: Design and test the working of half Wave Precision Rectifier using op-amp

1. Rig up the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Give an input of 2V peak to peak (sine wave).
3. Check and verify the designed values.
4. Design the same circuit for a different set of values.